Real Estate Insurance Solutions
At RERMIS, we take pride and satisfaction in working with you to deliver coverage that meets your business needs. Rather than offer canned solutions that provide too much, too little, or the wrong coverage options, we take time to learn about you and your business. Then we reach out to more than 20 A-rated carriers to create a coverage mix tailored to you. We also stay with you over time, fine tuning your coverage to meet your needs as your business grows and changes.

Errors & Omissions (Professional Liability) Insurance
As every real estate professional knows, it’s not a matter of if you’ll be sued; it’s only a matter of when. In a world where frivolous lawsuits are a fact of life, even the most conscientious real estate professional is almost certain to be threatened with legal action for real or perceived mistakes made during complex real estate transactions. E&O insurance may not be mandatory in your state. Industry veterans can assure you that it’s necessary. As specialists in real estate E&O, we will help you secure the coverage you need to preserve your peace of mind. Have access to top rated carriers that specialize in real estate, property management, HOA Associations and the professional exposures that you can encounter.

Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) Insurance
A traditional business owner’s policy combines general liability, commercial property insurance, and business interruption insurance into a single policy package. Within that grouping, we tailor each coverage to your needs and allow you to add optional coverages, such as cyber risk, money and securities theft, and other endorsements that can be increased to meet your specific needs.
The key to a good BOP is creating a policy that’s tuned to match your business’s size, services, and the potential threats you face.

Workers’ Compensation
Most states require workers’ compensation insurance for businesses with employees. Workers’ compensation protects business owners against liability for on-the-job accidents and injuries, as well as paying for injured employees’ medical care, rehabilitation, lost wages, and death benefits. We work with carriers who provide experienced adjusting teams and industry healthcare experts to help employees return to work quickly. That expertise also enables us to address well-known issues with workers’ compensation, such as fraudulent claims and dishonest medical bills, to help you secure and maintain low premium rates.

Cyber Risk InsurancE
In our highly connected, data-driven world, every individual and business is at risk of data breaches, ransomware attacks, data misuse, and other cybercrimes. Natural and human-caused hazards, such as damage from fire, water, electrical outages, and other risks also threaten electronic equipment and the data it contains. Today’s businesses need insurance that speeds recovery by covering your liability for damages to customers and other third parties, helping to restore your data and systems, and providing business interruption coverage to ease the financial stress of lost production.

Commercial Vehicle Insurance
If your company owns or leases vehicles used to conduct business, or if you or your employees use privately owned vehicles when conducting company business, a commercial auto insurance policy offers vital protection against liability and damages. It’s a common misconception to think that a business that doesn’t own vehicles doesn’t need commercial vehicle insurance. If you’re involved in an accident on your way to a business meeting, or your office manager gets broadsided while running a company errand, commercial vehicle insurance provides liability protection and helps cover the damages and medical costs. We offer a wide range of commercial vehicle coverage options and can tailor a solution to your company’s needs.

Umbrella Insurance
An umbrella policy protects you against catastrophic losses and high court judgments by providing coverage when losses exceeds the limits of your underlying business insurance policies. An umbrella policy adds an additional layer of protection over other types of business liability insurance, including general liability and commercial vehicle coverage. We customize every umbrella policy to address specific risks and concerns.